Get Started Today! Try our Life Skills Based Kids Martial Arts Program

Find out why so many parents just like you are LOVING the RESULTS that their children are getting
and get see our flexible class schedule!

Kids Karate











Get Started Today! Try our Life Skills Based Kids Martial Arts Program

Find out why so many parents just like you are LOVING the RESULTS that their children are getting
and get see our flexible class schedule!

Kids Karate











Find Out Why Str8Up Martial Arts Center is Seekonk’s Premiere Facility for your Child’s Development Success!


If you’re like most parents, you look at your child and wonder what kind of person they will grow up to be. You realize as a parent, you have a big influence on that outcome and it can be a bit overwhelming at times.

Which school should you enroll them in? Between public school and private school, finding the right teacher, what’s the best district, the list goes on.

What extra curricular activities should they participate in? There’s Soccer, Gymnastics, Dance, Baseball, then you ask yourself will they sit on the bench, what life skills will they learn, how will this really benefit my kid, and a million other questions run through your head.

You realize that it is up to you to make the right choices to give your child the tools to make the best life possible. No pressure right?

One of those choices is clear, and that is enrolling in MARTIAL ARTS.

The life-skills benefits alone such as focus, confidence, and self-discipline will give your child the best chance at succeeding in life. They will learn to be more goal-oriented and the value of always doing the right thing. You can be assured at Str8up Martial Arts, we will always reinforce good family values first above anything else that we teach.

Find Out Why Str8Up Martial Arts Center is Seekonk’s Premiere Facility for your Child’s Development Success!

If you’re like most parents, you look at your child and wonder what kind of person they will grow up to be. You realize as a parent, you have a big influence on that outcome and it can be a bit overwhelming at times.

Which school should you enroll them in? Between public school and private school, finding the right teacher, what’s the best district, the list goes on.

What extra curricular activities should they participate in? There’s Soccer, Gymnastics, Dance, Baseball, then you ask yourself will they sit on the bench, what life skills will they learn, how will this really benefit my kid, and a million other questions run through your head.

You realize that it is up to you to make the right choices to give your child the tools to make the best life possible. No pressure right?

One of those choices is clear, and that is enrolling in MARTIAL ARTS.

The life-skills benefits alone such as focus, confidence, and self-discipline will give your child the best chance at succeeding in life. They will learn to be more goal-oriented and the value of always doing the right thing. You can be assured at Str8Up Martial Arts, we will always reinforce good family values first above anything else that we teach.

6 MAJOR Benefits of Martial Arts for Children!

Studies show that children who are active in Martial Arts programs do better in school & have a better home life!

 Focus, Confidence and Self Esteem

Martial Arts is one of the BEST ways children can learn how to have unshakable, razor sharp focus. Kids are able to pay attention in school, feel better about themselves, maintain eye contact during conversations and feel good about themselves in all aspects of their lives.

As a result, kids stand taller, smile bigger, and perform better. They are overall happier and love who they have become.

Leadership and Teamwork Skills

Whether they’re breaking boards, getting a new belt or learning how to master a new maneuver, there are a few things that your child does in their martial arts classes that will be done on their own. Working together to learn new things and accomplish goals is an important life lesson for kids to learn, and instruction in martial arts can help your child learn that lesson.

Making new friends has never been easier, kids learn how to interact and find the good in everyone they meet.

Learning to Set and Achieve Goals

Most forms of martial arts are based around an accomplishment system of colored belts that signify the wearer’s degree of skills. When your child strives towards each new belt, they’re learning valuable lessons about setting and reaching goals.

 Boost in Socialization Skills

Kids who don’t always thrive in highly social environments may find it easier to get to know people and make new friends when they’re in a room filled with peers who share a common interest. The kids on the playground may not always have much common ground, but devotees to the martial arts are able to get to know one another through shared pursuits.

 Encouraged Physical Activity

Limiting screen time is a great idea when it comes to getting kids off the couch and encouraging them to be more active, but it only goes so far. Enrolling an inactive child in such a physically demanding pastime not only discourages the sedentary lifestyle they are used to, but also gives them an enjoyable activity that inspires them to keep moving.

  Super Hero Listening

In order to master the skill’s they’re being taught and advance through belt ranks, your child will have to exercise superior listening skills. Kids who aren’t always adept when it comes to paying attention to what they’re told can benefit from the verbal instruction and one-on-one work in their dojo.

Parents come to us with their jaws on the floor because their children are saying yes sir and yes ma’am at home and at school. The BIGGEST improvement parents see is that they don’t have to tell their kids to do something more than once!

6 MAJOR Benefits of Martial Arts for Children!

Studies show that children who are active in Martial Arts programs do better in school & have a better home life!

Focus, Confidence and Self Esteem

Martial Arts is one of the BEST ways children can learn how to have unshakable, razor sharp focus. Kids are able to pay attention in school, feel better about themselves, maintain eye contact during conversations and feel good about themselves in all aspects of their lives.

As a result, kids stand taller, smile bigger, and perform better. They are overall happier and love who they have become.

Leadership and Teamwork Skills

Whether they’re breaking boards, getting a new belt or learning how to master a new maneuver, there are a few things that your child does in their martial arts classes that will be done on their own. Working together to learn new things and accomplish goals is an important life lesson for kids to learn, and instruction in martial arts can help your child learn that lesson.

Making new friends has never been easier, kids learn how to interact and find the good in everyone they meet.

Learning to Set and Achieve Goals

Most forms of martial arts are based around an accomplishment system of colored belts that signify the wearer’s degree of skills. When your child strives towards each new belt, they’re learning valuable lessons about setting and reaching goals.

 Boost in Socialization Skills

Kids who don’t always thrive in highly social environments may find it easier to get to know people and make new friends when they’re in a room filled with peers who share a common interest. The kids on the playground may not always have much common ground, but devotees to the martial arts are able to get to know one another through shared pursuits.

 Encouraged Physical Activity

Limiting screen time is a great idea when it comes to getting kids off the couch and encouraging them to be more active, but it only goes so far. Enrolling an inactive child in such a physically demanding pastime not only discourages the sedentary lifestyle they are used to, but also gives them an enjoyable activity that inspires them to keep moving.

  Super Hero Listening

In order to master the skill’s they’re being taught and advance through belt ranks, your child will have to exercise superior listening skills. Kids who aren’t always adept when it comes to paying attention to what they’re told can benefit from the verbal instruction and one-on-one work in their dojo.

Parents come to us with their jaws on the floor because their children are saying yes sir and yes ma’am at home and at school. The BIGGEST improvement parents see is that they don’t have to tell their kids to do something more than once!

Str8Up Fitness & Martial Arts Center Kids Martial Arts is located in Seekonk, MA. If you live in the areas: East Providence, Providence, Barrington, Rehoboth, Pawtucket, Cranston, Warren, Central Falls, North Providence & Valley Falls then you are close enough to come train with us!


Str8Up Fitness & Martial Arts Center Kids Martial Arts is located in Seekonk, MA. If you live in the areas: East Providence, Providence, Barrington, Rehoboth, Pawtucket, Cranston, Warren, Central Falls, North Providence & Valley Falls then you are close enough to come train with us!
